Branding, photography, website, merchandising, design & print

Being a co-founder of the company, I was able to take decisions on branding and merchandise and was able to input into the company on a much greater  level than with other clients. Started as a new company, everything was to be created from new, covering every aspect.


Environmental concerns and education was the main goal, with sales of bird food secondary. Our national bird is considered to be the Robin and with the Robin being easily recognisable, inquisitive and friendly it was an obvious choice for our main character. As we develop and become more established, Robin will make ‘friends’ with other birds, wildlife and of course all the people who want to be one of Robin’s Friends.


10 Briery Hey, Bamber Bridge, Preston, Lancs. PR5 8HU


m: 07982 402 999   •  t: 01772 337599