Preston Pals War Memorial Trust was set up in 2011 in response to a letter in the local newspaper where someone asked why there was no Memorial to the 250 Preston Pals that were killed in action in World War One. So we decided to do something about it and I was also a Trustee. Funding was obtained via public donation and we collectively set about the process of creating a Memorial.
I was also instrumental in the design of the actual memorial. It was decided that it should be placed on Preston Railway Station as this would have been the very last thing that they would have seen of their home town.
An intensive campaign involving various printed Ephemera, website, banners stationary, exhibitions, beer labels, etc.
10 Briery Hey, Bamber Bridge, Preston, Lancs. PR5 8HU
m: 07982 402 999 • t: 01772 337599